Why has it become time for Vortex Power?
It is an important objective for us to raise everyone's awareness concerning a method of preparation of tap-water consistent with that occurring in nature, because this is the only viable alternative to springwater or water from glacial streams, which we may regard as being perfect for us. When we observe the current market of water-preparation systems, we find that the majority of systems are produced without consideration for resources, location, space and energy. This is a procedure, which we can, by no means, afford to continue any longer . Terms such as “sufficiency” or “obsolescence” seem to not exist at all in
the value system of the diverse manufacturers and marketers of these systems.
• Why must a water-preparation system be connected to the electrical grid?
• Why must materials be employed in a water-preparation system which are everything but
ecological, and, in addition, must be maintained or exchanged?
• Why must water-preparation appliances require additional space in the kitchen, or wherever else they are installed?
After all that Alexander Class and I have read and experienced, during the last three decades at various lectures, symposia, in conversations with experts on the subject of sustainability, in various text-books and studies, our attitude toward all this waste has become much more resolute. Therefore, we do not accept the arguments of the promoters of complicated water-preparation systems which, with their technologies, completely “damage” water, employing totally unnecessary processes, and then finally, through an excessive expenditure of energy, manipulate ethereal matter in an attempt to make the water, more or less, healthy again.
It is clear to us that these statements will polarize and provoke people. This is urgently necessary, because, only in this manner, will people become aware of these ideas and an exchange of information and discussion occur. When we observe the current situation pertaining to our water, we notice that drinking-water in Switzerland, and even also in Germany and Austria, will continue to remain available in the quality known today only for another 15 to 20 years, according to a study of “Water supply 2025, EAWAG Zurich”, (Studie der Wasserversorgung 2025, EAWAG Zurich). In this study is stated: “It is
apparent that, even in Switzerland, diseases transmitted through drinking-water result in considerable costs. Although, based on the current literature available, it is not possible to estimate how high the costs are due to diseases transmitted by drinking-water. The ratification of the WHO protocols on water and health could create more transparency in this area, in the future.
Communications which make the problems related to our drinking-water appear harmless must come to an end. People who have a deep comprehension of the here-in described urgency are now needed. Politically motivated activists and persuasive people are needed. People who will bring about a change in the processing of our drinking-water are needed. We have taken on this mission which, currently, seems to not have awakened interest in scientific, nor in political, circles.
We view water holistically. We are aware of the ecological footprint left behind by the manufacture of a product. We encourage sustainability. We use an already existing technology, namely current water supply. We encourage comfort, ease of employment and, finally, aesthetics, with the maxim “Form follows function!”
Many of those responsible in smaller and middle-sized organizations, in communities, societies and consulting organizations, today, share this opinion with us. Thus, for more than three years,
Phonak/Sonova, the world's largest producer of hearing devices, as well as, more recently, the City of Zurich, are users of VortexPower technology.
More than 3,000 customers and many tens of thousands of satisfied users around the world, in a little more than four years, tell a convincing story. Important is not only healthy water, important is also the process, with which every individual can, at home, or in the office, repeatedly produce it fresh. This is where our VortexPower System is in the process of demonstrating how, and above all why, we will drink spring-fresh water from our household water-taps in the future.
As we reached the decision, in 2010, to found VortexPower, and to conceive our own products, we had the freedom to choose from diverse technologies. We considered many possibilities, but finally only one system came to be considered. A system, which excludes no one, which can be utilized throughout the whole-world, which everyone can afford, for the production of which enough resources are available for every household in the world, which is imperishable, and for which nature is the model.
This is VortexPower – My water. My life.
No more and no less.
Perhaps we will be successful in also directing your attention toward this important subject of the future.
With great respect for nature.
Matthias C. Mend
Founder and member of the board of directors.
Forch, September 2015