Plastic free with the Tyrolean herb specialist!
Almost 20 years ago, when Neuner's herbal infusions in teabags were consistently converted to 100% organic quality, Neuner's was a pioneer in the protection of their valuable herbs. As one of the first tea vendors, Neuner's used high-quality aroma protection to preserve the valuable ingredients of their award-winning herbal teas. This way Neuner‘s effectively stopped the loss of these natural powerpackages on the way to the customer 2 decades ago already.
Neuner's herbs meet the highest quality standards and far exceed food standards. In addition, Neuner's carries out intense control on pollutants and residues. These stringent quality criteria guarantee the best effect and maximum safety for Neuner's products.
Especially such high-quality products must be protected, because also the energy, time and work invested in the products from cultivation to packaging, would be wasted in case of the lack of protection by adequate packaging.
Unfortunately, the material that could provide this protection in the past was not sustainable and as a material composite also difficult to recycle. For this reason, the family business Neuner's has been intensively searching for an actually sustainable and at the same time high-quality alternative for the important aroma protection for years. After numerous tests and critical evaluations as well as months of intensive cooperation with various Neuner's partners, the result of this search can finally be presented.
As so often in the past, Neuner's is again one of the pioneers today, because from the summer of 2019, the packaging of all Neuner's herbal and fruit-herbal infusions in teabags can be completely be disposed with paper while keeping unchanged aroma protection. As a result of the various innovations, Neuner’s is saving 100% of the packaging plastic used for these products! In the course of extensive packaging adjustments, a sustainable strategy is anchored in the company and regulates the numerous processes for optimizing sustainability effectively and transparently.
In Neuner's teabags you find herbs and fruits of the highest quality, carefully blended by the Tyrolean herb specialist with the perfect quantity of herbs in each teabag, safely protected until you infuse it in your cup. In the future in addition you can enjoy the herbal infusion of your choice from the Tyrolean family business, with an even better feeling, because not only does Neuner's do good to your own body, we also help you to avoid plastic and effectively contribute to a sustainable lifestyle.
Neuner's - highest herbal tea enjoyment with a clear conscience!